Note: Access to seats held back for accessibility reasons can be done by contacting the box office for the respective organization selling the tickets. For events sold on, you can call 204-949-3999 or unlock access to them online by clicking here.
Centennial Concert Hall is committed to making the arts accessible to all. We are pleased to offer the following services for all performances:
To enhance the enjoyment of people who are hard of hearing, listening aids may be obtained free of charge from the Guest Services Office in the main lobby of the Hall. A piece of identification is required for deposit.
Centennial Concert Hall features wheelchair-accessible:
- Parking
- Ramps
- Entrances
- Restrooms
- Elevators
- Theatre seat locations
Guests in wheelchairs may access the front entrance of the Centennial Concert Hall via curb cuts and ramps located at the front driveway of the Centennial Concert Hall as well as the southwest corner of the Centennial Concert Hall on Market Avenue.
Elevators provide access to all balcony seating areas. Any Centennial Concert Hall staff member or usher would be pleased to point out where ramps and elevators are located within the building.
Theatre wheelchair seating is available. Note: As some seating areas may have space limitations, we encourage you to contact the box office in advance of the show if you have any questions or need further information about the space.
- Portal 5 row 16, seat 1 (smaller non-mechanized wheelchair only - under 28" wide)
- Portal 6 row 16, seat 55 (smaller non-mechanized wheelchair only - under 28" wide)
- Portal 7 row 19, seat 1 (smaller non-mechanized wheelchair only - under 28" wide)
- Portal 8 row 19, seat 56 (smaller non-mechanized wheelchair only - under 28" wide)
- Portal 16 row 32, seats 18-29 (access via a small elevator - see below for size)
Row 16 and 19 seats are regular theatre seating spots with the chairs removed. This limits the width of the wheelchair to under 28" wide.
Row 32 is open space and can accommodate any wheelchair that can fit within the elevator to get to the space.
The elevator to Portal 16, Row 32 is sized as follows:
- 32 Inches Wide
- 54 Inches Long/Depth
- 80 Inches High
- The buttons to operate the elevator must be pressed and held to operate the elevator. The buttons are approximately 40 - 42 inches up from the floor.
Click Here for a picture of the elevator.
Wheelchair Accessibility tickets can be purchased by contacting the box office for the specific event, or unlock access to them for some events online by clicking here.
For information on the theatre seating area, including the number of stairs required for each row, please visit our SEATING INFORMATION page.
A family washroom is located on the 1st balcony to accommodate disabled persons of both sexes where assistance is required by an accompanying family member. .

Website Accessibility
General Navigation
The interface is designed to allow users to access the entire application via the use of tab index. By pressing the Tab key, every link and form control is navigated from top to button, left to right of the page. You can simply tab to a desired location and press Enter to have full access of its functionality.
Form Controls
On every page, the form controls can be accessed through the tab index. There are headings either before or after the controls to help the user understand their respective functions. Certain key strokes are needed to access some controls and they are listed in the sub-headings below.
Radio Buttons
Once one member in a set of radio buttons is focused, you can either press Space Bar to check it or use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through and check the other buttons. When there is only one radio button present, simply check it by pressing Space Bar.
You can press Space Bar to check a checkbox.
Select Boxes
After tabbing to the desired select box, there are two ways for you to select from the included options. You can either choose to use the Up and Down arrows keys to find the wanted option or use the the Alt + Down key combination to view a drop down list of options. For the second method, simply scroll down the list with the Down arrow key and press Enter to select an option.
Combo Boxes
A combo box combines the functionalities of a text box and a select box. Specifically, the first tab to the box will activate its text field while the next tab leads the user to its select box function. In its text field form, you can either type in the desired option or use the Up and Down arrows keys to find the item. To use the select form of the box, press tab again and use the Alt + Down key combination to view a drop down list. Find the option by scrolling via the Down arrow key and press Enter.
Accessible Customer Service Standards
These standards have been developed to ensure that Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation (“MCCC”) strives to provide equal access and participation for people with disabilities; supports the management of Customer Accessibility Services; and complies with applicable municipal, provincial and federal laws.
Services We Provide
MCCC properties are wheelchair accessible, permit accessible parking, offer accessible washrooms and allow for service animals.
Communication – MCCC will make reasonable efforts to ensure that, when communicating with a person who self-identifies as being disabled by a barrier, the communication is done in a manner that takes into account the barrier and that alternative formats are made available upon request. MCCC will make reasonable efforts to ensure that when preparing digital communications, accessibility barriers are taken into account and alternative formats are made available upon request. MCCC will make reasonable efforts to ensure that information regarding our products and services, accessible features, and temporary barriers are available on our website.
Assistive Devices – A person who is disabled by a barrier may use assistive devices to remove or reduce barriers, and the measures and practices MCCC uses will reasonably accommodate the use of the assistive devices.
Support Person – A support person may accompany a person who is disabled by a barrier. A support person must pay for a ticket in order to occupy a seat in the auditorium but may wait in the lobby free of charge.
Service Animals – A person who is disabled by a barrier may be accompanied by a service animal (i.e. service animal as defined in The Human Rights Code).
Centennial Concert Hall provides the following services:
• Wheelchair accessible.
• Sennheiser Infrared Listening Aids are available at no charge.
• Wheelchair accessible seating is available in the Centennial Concert Hall. Seats will be identified on the Centennial Concert Hall website when technology permits.
• Four (4) seats in the front area of the Centennial Concert Hall are dedicated for use by those with visual impairment or are hard of hearing.
• Minimum of two (2) standard wheelchairs are available for patron use at no charge.
• Accessibility seats include, for purchase, support persons seating adjacent to them. Support persons are also invited to attend a performance at no charge and wait in the lobby areas until the performance has concluded.
• Service animals have full access to all spaces available to patrons.
• A family washroom is located in the Centennial Concert Hall to accommodate persons where assistance is required by a support person.
• Access to the front of the Centennial Concert Hall is available via curb cuts and ramps located at the front driveway as well as the southwest corner on Market Avenue. Curb cuts are also available along Lily Street.
• Access to the Steinkopf Gardens is available via ramp.
• Accessibility parking is available in the parkade located under the Centennial Centre (entrance off of Lily Street).
• The Centennial Concert Hall website outlines the number of stairs or ramps in the portals which lead to the seating area for ease of reference when selecting seats.
• All assistive devices are allowed, i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen tanks.
• Storing of assistive devices, if required, is provided.
• Concession signage is in large print.
• The Centennial Concert Hall encourages scent free and notes this on its website.
• A chemical free cleaning system has been implemented for patrons with sensitivities/allergies.
• Wireless payment devices are made available at no charge to customers.
• Accessibility tools and instructions to navigate the website can be found on the website.
Services Not Provided
Due to the nature of the services we provide, certain requests for accommodation may be deemed unreasonable due to the skill level and safety requirements of staff, or strict controls to protect the operation of the business. Services we are not able to provide include:
• Assistance to leave the property with a customer is not permitted;
• Assistance with personal hygiene;
• Assistance with loading wheelchairs or scooters into vehicles;
• Assistance with transferring to and from a wheelchair; and
• Assistance with ATMs or debit machines.
Note: Any situations not listed above or questions that have not been dealt with prior are directed to Management for clarification. Please direct inquiries to
Temporary Disruption
Should an accessibility feature become temporarily unavailable, signage and staff will be posted to advise customers.
Barrier Free Customer Service
MCCC makes every effort to remove clutter from accessible pathways, i.e. removal of boxes from hallways, clearing of snow from steps and walkways.
Built Environment
Due to the age of the facility, not all areas including washrooms are barrier free. When renovations occur, barrier free access is included in the planning. If barrier-free access becomes unavailable for use, a temporary barrier protocol will be followed and, if necessary, signs will be posted to outline the reasons why and, if available, details for alternate access and length of unavailability.
MCCC trains staff on the following:
• How to interact and communicate with persons disabled by barriers;
• How to interact and communicate with persons disabled by barriers who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a support person or service animal;
• How to use any equipment or assistive devices that may be available to assist persons disabled by barriers;
• What to do if a person disabled by a particular barrier is having difficulty accessing services;
• The Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Manitobans Act and Customer Service Standard Regulation; and
• On-going training for changes to MCCC’s facilities, policies and standards relating to providing barrier free access.
Accessible Customer Service Feedback
To provide feedback or filing of an accessible customer service concern email The email will be acknowledged within three business days.